EV & Tesla Charging Stations Strathfield

Welcome to our dedicated page for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Strathfield, New South Wales. Our interactive map provides detailed locations of all the EV charging points, ensuring your green journey through this vibrant suburb is seamless. Whether you’re exploring the heritage sites of the Strathfield Town Centre or spending a day at the beautiful Strathfield Park, our comprehensive map will keep your EV running efficiently. Navigate your sustainable journey in Strathfield with ease and convenience.

Map Legend for Strathfield Charging Stations

  • Green = L1/L2 chargers for the general public (installed by business/government)
  • Orange = High power locations (eg: Tesla Superchargers) available to the general public
  • Grey = ev charging stations are currently full

Strathfield Charging Location FAQs

What is the cost of charging at each location?

The cost to charge your vehicle at each location can be found by clicking on the pin icon. Prices vary from a fixed fee to variable rates based on time depending on the charger and who owns each location.

What does the score given to each charging location mean?

The green score is a rating given by other users of the charging station. Similar to a Google maps review score a higher score (10) indicates a more positive experience from users while a lower score (1) is the opposite. Check-in’s and general comments don’t impact the overall score.

How do I know if the charging location is compatible with my car?

The ports section of each charging location will list the types of plugs that are available. Consult your owners manual to see if they’re compatible with your vehicle.

More about Strathfield, New South Wales

One popular destination for a drive from Strathfield, NSW in an electric vehicle is the Blue Mountains. Just about 90 minutes from Strathfield, the mountain range boasts a variety of attractions such as the Three Sisters rock formation, Scenic World and numerous hiking trails with breathtaking views. The route has ample charging stations for electric vehicles, making it a convenient road trip destination.

Another interesting place to visit is the Hunter Valley, which is less than a three-hour drive from Strathfield. Known for its vineyards, the region offers an array of wine-tasting experiences, dining options, and beautiful landscapes. Electric vehicle drivers can rest assured as there are several charging stations along the route and in the Hunter Valley area itself. Hence, it is an ideal destination to enjoy a comfortable day trip or a relaxing weekend getaway while being eco-friendly. Source: Wikipedia / Google

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